Between 2002 and 2006 I worked with MFA students in the School of the Art Institute of Chicago's department of Visual Communication. In this role I advised students as they worked on their semester-long projects, which ultimately led to their thesis exhibition at the end of their 2nd year of study. Advising would consist of weekly meetings where students would present their project progress, while I would challenge them to develop their process in constructive ways. I worked with artists in many different areas, including graphic design, installation, photography, and time-based art. Here is a video made by one of my graduate students, called "Duct, Tape, and Cover", by Gene Park (2004). The piece was screened at Sundance the following year.
SAIC — Spring 2005
The following is a list of required assignments for graduate projects with me. This means that in order to receive credit, students must submit the following items. This doesn't guarantee full credit (that still depends on your work), but NOT submitting these assignments will guarantee no credit.
1 — Project statement. This writing on your project can be as short or as long as you wish (minimum one (1) page), but you must clearly introduce your goals, both general and specific. Tell me what you are aiming to accomplish, what subjects you wish to discuss, and how you will be forming your work (what media/tools/software will you be using, and how?) This is due by the end of February.
2 — Project Timeline. A week by week schedule of how you wish to be progressing throughout the semester. Where will you be in two weeks? A month? By crit week? By the last meeting? Be specific about your goals. This will enable me to better analyze your project by the end of the semester, and for you to learn about your process. This is due by the end of February.
3 — Critique Summary. How did your critique go? Who was on the panel? What did you learn? Document the event well. This will help with writing this paper, and with completing your work. This is due the first meeting after crit-week.
4 — Final Paper. This summary paper can be as long as you want (minimum one (1) page). Here you are asked to assess your progress throughout the semester, and analyze your project. Discuss things that worked, things that didn't, and options for improving your process. I will be giving your similar feedback, but this is a chance to articulate your ideas, separate from mine.
Due at last meeting.
5 — Final Critique. For our last meeting, all of my grad students will meet at my studio (located a few blocks south of SAIC). Students will present their work to other grad students, and get valuable feedback. This is your chance to improve/work on your project after SAIC crit-week, and get further feedback on your changes. Due at last meeting.