Please see a story from the New York Times to learn more. The video here is from WCIU and shows the results from this course, inside of our exhibition.

This course featured ten Chicago artists who met weekly for two months, sharing knowledge and working towards a completed project in areas such as photo, digital sketching (finger painting), animation, sound, and video. I've taught with similar structures in the past, as a way of using students as resources. By sharing their process with a group, technical and conceptual ideas are shared first-hand, giving all participants a closer look inside the challenges of completing work. Because of the open-source approach to this structure, the educator (in this case me) is able to work with a variety of artists from different disciplines.

In addition to local artists, I brought in national and international iPhone artists from as far away as Russia, Norway, Spain, France, and Germany to participate in the program and exhibition. There were a total of 25 artists, each contributing to the ongoing course in the form of emails, online links, image/video sharing, and first-hand discussions. The end-result showcased a comprehensive look at this digital tool and some of its artistic possibilities, through the eyes of 25 artists from around the world.

Chicago Art Department
Art, Technology, iPhone